Same beach, different night, opposite end ...
Natural, Escher-esque art ...
Full moon rising ...
Dual-ing computers ... Little Dude in Great Books class, Big Dude working. Internet? Tenuous.
Hiking to Ho'opi'i Falls...
Big Dude and his GoPro jumped. I caught 1sec video footage, but neglected to photograph the jump itself. Oh well.
Little Dude's "umbrella". Luckily, it didn't rain.
Hike/walk to the Makauwahi Cave ... (unfortunately, we arrived on the "closed" cave day)
We thought we might sight honu turtles on the south shore. But, no. We sighted giant tortoises. Who knew?
Oh, so perfect. Little dude is growing like a weed : ). What a fabulous umbrella...for a perfect sunny day.
Gosh, I'm pretty excited to see you blogging over here! I totally missed it because, um, I usually look at who's updated when I visit my own blog, which is apparently never. I'm so happy for you to be on this adventure. This talk of the Kellers' new normal being in separate locations is feeling a little too close to home (or far away from home as the case may be?), but I trust that it is right and good!
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