The Giver by Lois Lowry (this is part of a thus-far trilogy. I loved
The Giver. I only mildly liked the sequels
Gathering Blue and
The Messenger)
The Willoughbys, also by Lois Lowry. Here are some hilarious snippets from the book jacket:
"Recalling literary heroes and heroines such as Anne of Green Gables, Pollyanna, and James with his Giant Peach, the Willoughbys concoct a diabolical plot to turn themselves into worthy and winsome orphans."
"Villains, benefactors, no-nonsense nannies, abandoned infants, long-lost heirs, and late-life romance all make their appearance..."
"Influenced in her childhood by a mother who insisted on surrounding her with books instead of roller skates and jump ropes, Lois Lowry grew up lacking fresh air and exercise but with a keen understanding of plot, character, and setting. Every morning she opened the front door hoping to find an orphaned infant in a wicker basket. Alas, her hopes were always dashed and her dreams thwarted. She compensates by writing books. Today she is a wizened, reclusive old woman who sits hunched over her desk thinking obsessively about the placement of commas."
What's not to love about this?!
We all just recently discovered Natalie Babbit (of
Tuck Everlasting fame, which I enjoyed). But going on my list is:
The Search for Delicious. 'Twas delightful :-)
I'm also currently reading
Goody Hall, which is quite quirky and fun. We'll see if it makes the list, too.
Another delightful book/series we found is:
Eoin Colfer's (of
Artemis Fowl fame, tho we haven't read any of those...)
The Legend of... series. So very cute and laugh out loud funny, especially
The Legend of the Worst Boy in the World.
Ok, so that's it. No pics today, but great books, instead. I'm, like, so multi-dimensional, eh?