Ok. Putting aside all political discussion of guns versus bread (as if those are our only two opposing options), the Miramar Air Show was a spectacular, over-the-top, adrenaline-boosting, testosterone-filled display of sheer power, speed, engineering ingenuity, brilliance, and all-around excellence. We were - ALL of us - in awe.

Oh, btw, that’s the Teen pretend remote-controlling the drone …

This giant beast below (a Harrier, I think) is demonstrating its hovering and vertical takeoff ability. Amazing.

I stopped breathing every single time they did this.

The Blue Angels really truly seriously took my breath away. I’m pretty sure my heart stopped beating, too.

So the Blue Angels have this stealth trick they do that they call the “sneak attack”. Big Dude was on high alert the whole time – he didn’t want to miss the sneak attack. In fact, he was bound and determined to film it. What they do is “distract” you with some awesome show of flight amazingness right in front of you – and, of course, you’re completely spell-bound. And then, bam! In the midst of your “distraction”, from behind you two of the jets fly right over your head. It’s incredibly LOUD. Super fast. Totally unexpectedly surprising. Guess what? Even watching for it, we missed the sneak approach. Behold …

See? Awesomeness happening in front of us …