Truth be told, Big & Middle Dude logged some swimming/snorkeling time, but I was too busy reading my book to bother myself with walking down to their end of the beach to take pics.
We were at the beach daily. Multiple times. This particular night was all about stick throwing. And I must admit that “playing catch” with the sea is far more reliable than playing with Dog Dude; the waves returned those sticks almost every single time.The light. Always changing. Always glorious. The waves. Every bit as amazing as the light.Sunrise. We watched this particular one from 40 minutes prior to 30 minutes after. The moon was still high and bright. The light changed from dark purple to magenta to peachy gold. All while the waves serenaded us. I need to go back. Now. [sigh]
Oh, and in case you'd like to be serenaded by some sunrise waves ... enjoy!
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