February 22, 2017

Kauai, Wainiha days …

Our next 5 days were up on the north side of Kauai  in Hanalei/Wainiha.  We always stop at this vista.  And it is always awesome (apologies if I’m beginning to sound like a broken record … but Kauai is kinda … awesome). 

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This is the narrow dirt road to/from our delightful vacation house.

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And this is our delightful vacation house on a hill, on grounds filled with flowering trees and bushes and palms, a rooster, and even a wild pig or two.

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The bedroom is all kinds of peaceful and beautiful.  To say it’s a room with a view is an understatement.  We started each day watching the weather and the light filling the valley and coffee.  Good coffee (our aeropress travels with us). 

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The road back to Hanalei…wainiha days-11wainiha days-12wainiha days-13wainiha days-14

Taro is the main crop on Kauai, and the bulk of the fields are on the north side.

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When you’re up at the vista, looking down over Hanalei, this is the river you see, and the taro fields are on the right.  We drove down this road to hike the Okolehao Trail, which climbs up through a forest and overlooks the fields and the bay.

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Unknown said...

I LOVE when you get to visit Hawaii, Skeller. This looks wonderful. It is so green and blue and gorgeous. FABULOUS!

Tracy P. said...

Ditto Becky, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have visit Hawaii! :-)