May 28, 2012

Field o’ Mustard. Orange County Photographer

We waited a long, long time for this session.  We needed a field of mustard, as that is part of Tiphanie's vision for a worship cd she's creating.  Unfortunately, mustard has not been growing in abundance this year. We found pockets of it on hillsides.  We found sparse patches here and there.  But, no fields.

Til now.

mustard 6Mustard-40Torange county lifestyle head shotsmustard 2orange county head shots photographymustard 1mustard 4orange county head shots photography 4orangesTiphanie, I immensely look forward to hearing your songs.  I know they will be as beautiful as your spirit.

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Unknown said...

Hi Susan!

I just found your blog from your I Heart Faces posts.

I am also a Christian, homeschooling, camera toting mom! Love your work!

And these are beautiful!

Tracy P. said...

Wow, I've gotta believe she is giddy over the way you captured her vision! Gorgeous subject, gorgeous images.

Melissa Stover said...

gorgeous images! makes me want to plant mustard in my yard. she is beautiful!

Andrea said...

Beautiful! She has the most gorgeous blue eyes and red hair!

Anita Johnson said...

The coloring in these photos is beautiful! She must be thrilled with these!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Love, love, love these images!!

Tracey said...

The colors are beautiful!!!!

Julie Rivera said...

Ah, this is pure Susan: incredible technical skill, amazing light and wonderfully true imagery of a beautiful woman. I love the stories your pictures tell.