It’s a hefty pile of books to be sure, but I know he’s up to the task. This year’s classes include:
Classical Writing: Herodotus (argumentative writing) – the Teen takes Kathy Weitz’s superb online tutorial…
Great Books II – another online class, this one with Artesian Wells
Traditional Logic
Geometry – Euclid’s Geometry & Life of Fred Geometry
Henle Latin 3 & Lingua Latina
finishing Machen’s New Testament Greek
history is sprinkled throughout Great Books, Latin, Classical Writing & Bible.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I know he will do well with his studies.
now I see where all your money went! :)
and is it just me.. but C man looks OLD.. in this pic.
just saying.
He's so studious! It sounds like a great first year...I would love to take that traditional logic class. That strikes a chord...
The C man might look because he's stumbled upon one of the great secrets of life: most of his 9th grade studies, unless he wishes to work for Microsoft in the future, are a blatant waste of time. There goes my computer for the weekend...
*might look old
Oh my goodness! I don't think I've ever seen quite sooooo many! Good luck!
Uh, is this Freshman in college stuff? TOTALLY. PUTS. ME. TO. SHAME.
I have no more to say.
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