November 16, 2009

Sometimes the irony of it all ...

is enough to make me want to cry.


This cute little [european vacationers?] family was the only group that beat us down to the early morning silence that was Mono Lake. I had run into them the night before when we were all checking in to the roadside motel. They were pondering whether to stay there or go ahead and drive thru to Yosemite that night. The guy asked, "Is there anything actually to see here?" And I nonchalantly (ha!) replied, "Well, there is Mono Lake ..." and gave them all the pertinent sunrise information.

They loved it there. I loved it there. Sunrise at Mono Lake is sublime.

So, the irony? The irony is that my favorite picture that I took that morning (which was of them, by the way) walked away with them ... on their dinky little PINK camera without a viewfinder that fired off a dinky little flash. Geesh. All my expensive gear. All my research and education and time and money spent these last three years. And my favorite picture at Mono Lake, taken on a point and shoot... :-}

So my tip of the day: don't despise the equipment you have. Just go take lots of pictures!!!

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Deidra said...

I was just thinking that I couldn't take my camera with me to an event because there would be real photographers with real equipment and accessories in attendance. My little point and shoot just would not do. Thanks for healing me of that little attack!

Aunt Tea said...

a point and shoot is part of my gear!

Tracy P. said...

Big smile from me and my handy little Panasonic. ;-)

Unknown said...

Amen! I think that is the best advice in the whole world. Sometimes people say to me, your pictures are nice because your camera is nice. And then I think in my head, hmmmmmmmmmm, before I had a nice camera, before I knew what any of this camera stuff meant, I took nice pictures. Nice pictures can be made by anyone with any camera. If you are taking pictures with your heart, well, they will turn out very nice indeed : )