And we dropped $20 on pumpkins this year, because we went to a real, organic 'Patch instead of Walmart.
So I thought it might be nifty and thrifty to recoup some of our costs by cooking said pumpkins to use in my favorite recipes (Pumpkin Sausage Soup, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Bread, risotto. Notice I didn't say Pumpkin Pie, because Costco already makes the best pumpkin pie in the universe AND it's cheaper, easier, faster & a lot less messy than making pie from scratch. End of pie soliloquy.) Pioneer Woman recently posted a fantastic tutorial on roasting & pureeing pumpkin. I just followed her directions and concentrated really really hard on not chopping off my hand (cutting pumpkins is HARD!!). The results follow:
So what does this all have to do with me being a picky eater? I don't like lumps or bumps or stringy thingies in my food. And I could NOT get this pumpkin puree as smooth as the stuff that comes in the can. So now I don't have a clue what I'll use it in. Certainly NOT a cake (ewwww). Maybe in the soup or risotto if I can push it thru a sieve first??? Bummer.