Every mom of boys has a Creature Keeper on her kitchen counter, doesn't she? DOESN'T SHE?!?

He keeps me company when I cook dinner. ;-)
Hey, Mom! Look what I found in YOUR kitchen sink!!!!

Don't worry - the boys set the little guy loose in the great wide wilderness of your front yard, where he'll have a much better chance of survival than in your sink.
Even this mom of girls has a creature keeper on the kitchen counter. I have to constantly remind them about "finding Nemo." You know, so they'll set the creature free...so it can find its family...
Made me laugh!! Perfect reasoning :-D
I have to admit...*I* am the one with the creature keeper! It is currently empty, but I am always on the prowl!
Always love your pics!
Cute little guys! I wouldn't mind having one for company. :)
Did they look up what type of lizard it is/was? Very handsome one to boot.
Lizards. My ds collects them and makes them talk to me. *shiver*
egads! I would freak out if I found that in my sink :-0
It's Indian Blanket. :-) A wonderful wildflower that re-seeds itself each year.
Thanks, Jenny!
And the lizards? The top one is your common alligator lizard variety. And the sink one is a blue-belly. Both are pretty plentiful hereabouts.
We have green lizards, but none quite that ghastly looking!
Since moving to Hawaii we constantly have lizards in the house, even without children carrying them in. ;)
EEEEk! But I must say that I just love your countertops! LOL
awe, so cute. I always hated how their tails come off when you grab em too quick though.
Ok.. American Idol is on... but Im trying my best to make WW rounds! lol I might not make it.. I hear David Cook as I type!
To answer your question... um... NO!!! NO creatures of that kind in me casa... no mam... no way... now how! lol
You are a great mommy!! I am the bad mommy...
Happy WW!
Lisa~ ww bud!
Ack! I thought the tadpoles on our counter were bad enough. My oldest boy is only 6. Do you think I'm in for it in a few years? I don't know if I can handle it....
I usually try to talk my boys into letting creatures go too. We've had frogs and lizards before...but never found one that big in the kitchen sink. wow.
We have this one creature that sleeps in my bed, rides in the car, sheds hair everywhere and loves to follow us everywhere. She thinks she's part of the family or something. hehe Our sweet Annie.
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