August 16, 2014

Just a moment I want to remember …

Saturday morning.  Yummy breakfast.  Second cup of Kauai coffee.  Big Dude reading favorite excerpts from Chesterton essays he’d read.  Two days before The Teen leaves for college.

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From “Lying in Bed” by C.K. Chesterton …

“But for the beautiful experiment of lying in bed I might never have discovered it. For years I have been looking for some blank spaces in a modern house to draw on. Paper is much too small for any really allegorical design; as Cyrano de Bergerac says, “Il me faut des géants” [“I need giants”]. But when I tried to find these fine clear spaces in the modern rooms such as we all live in I was continually disappointed. I found an endless pattern and complication of small objects hung like a curtain of fine links between me and my desire. I examined the walls; I found them to my surprise to be already covered with wallpaper, and I found the wallpaper to be already covered with uninteresting images, all bearing a ridiculous resemblance to each other. I could not understand why one arbitrary symbol (a symbol apparently entirely devoid of any religious or philosophical significance) should thus be sprinkled all over my nice walls like a sort of small-pox. The Bible must be referring to wallpapers, I think, when it says, “Use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do.” …


Unknown said...

I am praying for him every day. Sending lots of love as you gear him up for this ultimate adventure.

Anita Johnson said...

These days are priceless...enjoy them. College will be wonderful, it's the dropping them off that's sort of hard! (o:

Di said...

I will be praying each and every day!


Tracy P. said...

Oh that was funny! I have peeled off way more tiny bits of those vain repetitions than I ever wanted to. Satan invented wall paper. Thinking about you and your college dude.

tracey said...

I just got stuck at "teen leaves for college". That will be me in three years. Whaaaaaa? I thought I just graduated from college!!!

stacey said...

Love this.