June 3, 2012

All Boy.

In honor of Father’s Day, I Heart Faces will be celebrating all of the amazing men and boys in our lives with a theme of “All Boy!” during June’s photo challenge.   

I think I've got this one covered :-).  A picture with all my dudes, including Big Dude, being boys.  With guns and ammo and targets.  And safety glasses and ear protection.


The grand irony is that we had this little outing on Mother's Day.  The rest of the pictures are here.

Photo Challenge Submission
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Anonymous said...

Love it. And love irony. ;)

Anita Johnson said...

Perfect for the iheartfaces challenge. Mother's Day outing? ...not so sure! (o:

Margaret said...

That is COMPLETELY all boy. Great photo

Unknown said...

Gotta love the irony! LOL! In case you were interested I host a black and white photo contest every week at http://likeChristmaseveryday.com Come on over and check it out.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Yikes. My middle son is just getting into airsoft guns. I have to say that it makes me a bit nervous, but I think shooting and gun safety is something every boy should learn.

Beth Curtis said...

yes, all boy :)

Unknown said...

I had no idea how you would find a boy picture ; ) Thank goodness!

Jamie said...

Great capture! Boys being boys!