October 13, 2010

A Tale of a Tortoise

that we found in our front yard, climbing on a rock, seemingly minding his own business.  But, minding it in our yard.


So we invited him in.  Gave him a bite to eat.  Let him roam a bit and feel at home. _MG_4559

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Tortoise and Dog Dude seemed to be getting along swimmingly.  And Littlest Dude was over-the-moon happy.  A Pet.  That he could catch whenever he wanted.   And carry wherever he wanted.


Then we made a “safe”, slightly confined area in our yard for Aesop (oh yah.  we named him.) to hang out in.  Cause, y’know, he was acting like he was going to be around awhile.  Again, he made himself right at home.  Burrowed right in.  And then went exploring …




All was well.  We’d already adopted Aesop into our lifestyle.  He fit right in.  For four whole hours.  And then it was discovered that a neighbor was missing a tortoise and we returned him to his rightful home.  I can’t help but think … he was happier with us.  ;-)

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Rebekah said...

Susan! That is hysterical! Your pictures are SO incredible that I will be dreaming about Aesop tonight! Maybe you all can still visit him now and then. ; )

Tracy P. said...

Awww...it SO looked like you were meant for each other!

Papa and Nana said...

Wow! I think you could put that story & photos in book form and market it!!

Unknown said...

: ( I was overjoyed when I first saw Aesop's picture on facebook and then devestated to find he had just been lost and belonged to someone else : (

Maybe a good idea for a Christmas gift this year?

Heasleye said...

Well, I bet he doesn't get such nice headshots taken at that other house. Very cute! I was worried the story was going to end with him being carried off by a predatory bird or something, so while I'm sad for you all, I'm relieved he was OK. :)


Anita Johnson said...

I hope you share your wonderful photos with his owner, they are wonderful. And he did look very happy with your family. My husband loves turtles and shares his office with 8 of them. It's like having a big kid in the house...I'll have to take a photo of his shelled friends and put them on my blog. (-:

The Author said...

Of course the tortoise was happier with us. The little boy who owned him named him "Teddy"!!