February 12, 2008

The Big Dude took the Little Dudes to the outlet shops for new shoes...

IMG_1090and came away with four pairs of Vans for $60. He "saved so much." Wonder where he heard that phrase before?!?


Tawn said...

good grief! $60? that *is* a deal. tho the gas (and time) i'd use driving to gilroy would probably be prohibitive...
cute photo :)

Leslie said...

that is a deal... where in the world is the vans outlet...cute shot. ohhh and you didn't mention what you did during your quiet house time..

Lisa~ said...

I thought we had some trick photography here... the feet on the right... one was big, one was small, one was big... I thought you had 3 full sets of feet and the one big foot at first glance! lol

I love your pictures. I looooong for your camera....


Skeller said...

DH thought he would be "tricky" with the foot order.

Leslie- the outlet is way down in Carlsbad (they were there for Legoland anyway...). and of course, I didn't mention what I did with the time. that would take words, wouldn't it??? I'm short on those, remember? I cooked (the scones & bday dinner) and cleaned and messed with a bunch of photos. the time flew way too fast!