January 22, 2008

My New Favorite Flower Picture

Tiny, cheerful flower


Daisy said...

That flower is incredible. What is is called and can I grow it where I live? I'm in Bakersfield.

Lisa~ said...

I agree.. the color just pops...


Skeller said...

Thanks Guys!

Daisy - I'm sorry, I don't know what it's called. I found a 6-pack of them at Lowes. Each flower is slightly bigger than a thumbnail. I think they should grow fine in Bakersfield.

Phyllis said...

Beautiful! I love taking pictures of flowers in the summer!

Jackie in AR said...

You are GREAT at taking photos of flowers! What a beautiful color.

30seconds.blogs.com said...

Funnily enough, Daisy, I think it looks like a kind of daisy! But I don't know.

Susan, my first reaction was, "Oh my gosh, did you take that?" As in, that looks professionally amazing and it should be a poster and calendar and postcard and it testifies to the glory of God.

Keep 'em coming.

Tawn said...

you could probably sell some of your stuff to a stock photo place!