The deed is done. The Teen has packed his bags, vacated our premises, and begun his great adventure.
Unpacking and putting away all the “important” stuff …
Obligatory selfie :-)
New Student Orientation theme: “happiest campus on earth” (sounds about right to me)
Outside their dorm, letting we parents take the roommate trio portrait.
Um, yeah. A room with a view. A really, REALLY nice view.
And then I drove back home. And I didn’t use the commuter lane. And it all felt more than just a little bit weird. But The Teen is happy in his new digs. And thus, we are happy.
August 28, 2014
Pepperdine NSO Week
August 26, 2014
Second Nest Chronicles: flying the coop
August 25, 2014
The Second Nest Chronicles: babies at 3 weeks
The hummer babies by 3 weeks old are completely adorable. And quite cozy in the nest, pushing the sides out a bit.
A note about my photographic process … For most of these pictures, I’m about 12 inches from the nest, shooting with a 100mm macro lens. The picture directly below is pretty much what the lens captures at 12” away. The picture directly below that (the super close-up) is simply a cropped version. The macro lens makes everything appear larger than actuality. The nest, at this point, has stretched out to about 1.5 inches diameter (at the top).
At three weeks, they’re both starting to stretch their wings, fluff/flap, and even stand up on the edge of the nest. And I love the little flecks of irridescent green popping up in their feathers.
They are now a mere 4 days away from exiting the nest.