April 4, 2014

Time Flies. Graduation Happens.

It was my pleasure and honor to spend a glowy evening in the canyon with this small, but mighty band of friends and fellow 8th graders who are graduating this year from my favorite school.  Tempus fugit, discipuli!  1 orange county senior photographer1 2 IMG_1206 3-deer IMG_7274 4 orange county senior photographer2 5 orange county senior photographer3 6 IMG_1281 lizardIMG_7518


Unknown said...

It's just crazy how quickly time flies, isn't it? What a beautiful location for a shoot!

Unknown said...

Just so so beautiful! and fun and fabulous!

P.S. I may be able to use the Deer shot to convince Dan that Cali is a viable moving option ;)

Lisa McCully said...

Beautiful and peaceful.