my own, that is. Someday, I'm gonna conquer this whole color correction thing. In the meantime, want to see some of my journey?
Here's a recent picture of Littlest Dude at the pool on the "island." :-) SOOC:

Here's what the same picture looks like after I used the white balance dropper in Lightroom to pick a "neutral" spot. In this instance I clicked on that little gray section at the bottom of the scoreboard. My target neutral doesn't HAVE to be gray; any neutral (where all three RGB numbers are closely the same) will do. Pros: This is a super simple, fast fix. Cons: It's not always an accurate fix. This time it was pretty good, albeit not perfect - I think the clouds are too pink, but the skin is better.

I've been immersing myself in
this book, trying to wrap my brain around correct color and how to achieve it. This book is a huge proponent of Curves. So here is my meager attempt to fix the above photo using just Curves in Photoshop. Instead of using mere seconds (like the LR fix), I whittled away
hours ... a little longer in Photoshop to achieve this fix:

And then I went right back to Lightroom, slapped the quickie preset that I had always pictured for this image on the original and declared it my favorite.

Moral of the story? There isn't one. I just hope all this time I'm
wasting investing will some day pay off. ;-)