March 15, 2008

The Anatomy of a Messy Boys' Room

Ok, I'm keepin' it real here. These are the un-edited, uncropped, fully sooc images of the boys' room as of 15 minutes ago. This time yesterday (6:30p) the floor was 100% cleared. I know, because I vacuumed. By bedtime last night the room looked like this. It's a big room, and all three Dudes share it. And now I'm going to share the horror with you...

C'mon in...




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Donna Boucher said...

It is hard work to keep the toys....and the books all put away!
And sometimes, the little things they create are too sweet to just toss in a bucket.

Tawn said...

oh Skeller... if you only had something to COMPARE the horror with...
under the loft bed; straight on & to the right...
this was in October when it was just me enforcing things and enough was enough...i couldn't do it all...

Leslie said...

can I tell you Susan, the amount that you will ADORE these photos when these boys, are no longer filling your house with tiny plastic pieces. You will look at this and think.. gosh that was my life.

I really really love it.

Ruskin said...

Oh, thank you! I know now I am not the only one. You have very creative children there though!

Skeller said...

Gekke - EEK! That's some serious mess. I'm sure my boys could give your boys a run for their money (well, at least 2 of my boys could!)... after all, just look what mine did in just under 2 hours. again, sigh.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, how I relate. My children are a whirlwind and leave a path of destruction in their wake. Madalyn came home from school last week, dropped her book bag, jacket, and a toy on the floor as she ran to the bathroom. She finished...ran out...tripped over said up and went back outside. Never once thinking...hey...maybe I should pick that up.

The only reason my house has any sense of order is our wonderful housekeeper. If she didn't come, I would have a reason to straighten my clutter. I think I could end up as a feature on Oprah.