Someone was really super excited at Promotion Night. Ahhh, the beginning of Summer. :-)
Why, yes. That is a collared, buttoned-down shirt he’s wearing. It’s totally borrowed. ;-)

My poor, craft-starved boys. Luckily I have a good friend who's crafty & hooked them up ;-).
After long hikes, Littlest Dude needs to “restore health.” I’m pretty sure this is terminology from a shoot-‘em-up computer game that I like to pretend that I don’t know that he plays …
Same hike, different son, new lens!!! Any guesses?
Littlest Dude’s love affair with books continues. And Dog Dude continues to keep him company.
Mom & Dad brought us the most beautiful orchid plant – with exactly 17 blooms – for our 17th anniversary. And then hung out with the dudes while Big Dude & I celebrated with a date… (thanks, Mom & Dad!!!)
And I took about 5 gazillion pictures of various flowers: agapanthus, lavender, sage, orchids …

Alrighty. This randomness brings me almost totally up to date. Well, up to last weekend, anyway. Last weekend when this happened:
… the most incredibly gorgeous evening at the beach. But that will be a blog post all its own :-).
Btw, photo geek detail for those who are interested: most of these images (all but 2 color boat craft & last flower) were processed completely in Lightroom using One Willow’s Fairytale presets, which are awesome!