You don't have to be tricky, or fancy, or wearing the latest fashions with every hair in place. Just get in the picture. Your family & friends will thank you. And you might be thankful yourself someday. ;-)
At arm's length (this works particularly well with a point & shoot camera, but also works just fine with dslrs, too):

Or look for reflections and shadows:

Learn your camera's self-timer function - set it, place your camera somewhere safe & sturdy, and run!!
With my camera on the ground …
Set on a chair/stool …
Propped on my camera bag …
Propped on a fellow Photowalk attendee’s backpack …
Placed on a rock …
On a hand rail ...

As a last resort (ha!), you can always hand your camera [drumroll, please] to someone else!

I love your happy smile when you are with your family! Beautiful!
Love these thoughts! Though I think long arms help with the self-portrait thing ... :-)
Love these pics! Thanks for the reminder to get in the picture--that doesn't happen very often.
Hmmmm...I think this is my favorite post....Evuhhh!!
Awww, BD. I knew there was a reason I married you! ;-)
Sigh. But I don't want to SEE myself!
Great post!!!
I wish I had seen this post 22 years ago when my kids were little...I always seem to MIA or worse yet, caught in a less than flattering way. I have a lovely photo of myself power washing the deck from last spring. The safety googles sort of match my outfit!
how do you get them framed up so well????
every time I try it I get 1/2 face or an ear/nothing else....
I'm not phobic but I would like a chance to see more than my chin!
Love this post! You have a beautiful smile and I am so inspired to get in the pictures from this post!
Love this, Susan, although I agree about the long arms. ;-) My kids love it when I hand the camera to them, and they surely do make me smile. Very good reminder!!
Holly -
I shoot as wide angle as possible. With 15-35mm (on a full frame camera) I can get 1-3 people in the pic. I usually hold the camera straight out or above my head angled down (you can tell which are which by looking at the pics in the first set - more often than not, over my head...)
Great post Susan!
What a great post! I love it! Thank you for the reminder. =)
I LOVE THIS POST!!! what a fabulous, important, beautiful reminder that we count, too. thanks so much, susan! :D
Awesome. So very true!
Great post as usual. You are right, we need to get in the picture more often. I will work on that this summer.
Love your post! Am trying to GET IN THE PICTURE. Making a little progress!
lovely pictures and a beautiful idea!
Thanks for the tips. Just found your site, can't wait to read more :)
New to your blog, LOVE it. As a mom myself, and a up and coming photographer, I am always asked about why I'm not in the photos more ! I laughed at your post reference the "gasp, hand your camera to someone else" !! That is so true and yes, I think we all gasped at that thought alone once or twice in our lives ! :) Thank you for the wonderful ideas ! I will check in often on your blog :)
Amy Dawson - Camano Island, WA
Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder! My mother in law tells my husband all the time that she doesn't believe i actually exist sometimes =) Thankfully my daughter is loving taking pics too, so we can take pics of each other =)
Handing the camera to someone else is a huge gift and blessing. I wish more people would do that, although I have a hard time doing it myself.
You are beautiful, susan!
oh happy to have found this blog. What a great post, and you have a great smile!!!
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