Day 2

Perfect weather – not hot, not cold (albeit, not hot enough for the cold water to feel “refreshing”). Fearful Dog Dude fared better than I expected. But gosh, he’s a clueless dog. In the first picture of him … he’s trying to shake off the water while standing chest high in it! Not pictured: my two ski runs … in my shorty wetsuit leftover from BEFORE I had kids. Big Dude, after watching the humiliating spectacle of me getting into and out of said suit, decided NOT to try the same with his old wetsuit. ahem. No fish caught, but fun to cast. And Big Dude cracked up the Little Dudes with his cartoon quotes … “SpongeBob, does this look dangerous?!?”
Also not pictured, and I mention it only to keep things “real”: the whining. Oh, yes. And the endless questioning of when we would be returning to the car. sigh. BIG HUGE SIGH. One of my favorite places on earth. Little Dudes did NOT have my same appreciation for the place, the experience, the relaxation … Wanna know my theory why? My Dudes are part of the Gameboy/Xbox/Computer game generation. Methinks it’s robbed them of some of the simpler joys in life. And truly, that makes me sad. It also makes me consider the possibilities and pay-offs of a period of “prohibition” (hey, how ‘bout that alliteration?!?) … yo, Dudes, are you listening??? This is your most excellent opportunity to learn to pretend to love the simple joys in life before I yank the privileges of your gaming time!!!
Overall, though, a great couple days at the River … And now I need to get off the computer and go exercise so that getting into my wetsuit next time won’t be such an ordeal. Or, perhaps I’ll just go buy a new one … ;-)