July 25, 2009

Big Dude Turns the Big 4-0 ...

Just brainstorming possible titles to go along with Big Dude's birthday pictures...

All Washed up at 40?

The Stoopid Things My Husband does to prove he still "has it" at 40:
(btw, this was Big Dude's title. Far be it from me ever to insinuate stupidity in relation to my man!)

Tempting fate ...

Now you see him. Now you don't.

Sweeping in a new decade, sweeping out the old ...

White water rafting minus the rafting...

And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house...

Come on back Monday to see the pictures that go with the headlines. In the meantime, please to enjoy these tamer, less dramatic pictures ;-).


victoria beach

post signature

Laguna Beach Photographer


angie {the arthur clan} said...

Hee! My man just turned the big 4-0 as well and informed me that HE was planning a family vacation of HIS choice for us and that I would get no input whatsoever into HIS vacation. :)

We just got home from our vacay and I have to say that he did a pretty good job of picking. We had a super time!

Happy Birthday Big Dude!!

Unknown said...

I love those titles. Can NOT wait to see the accompanying pictures. Seriously, can not wait : )

Lizzie said...

we'll be hitting this milestone with my hubby soon. hope he had a great day :)

Leslie said...

love your laguna shots... the trolley one is so fun.