And they're both way better with words than I.
Kim writes books. And Girl (I can't help but say that after reading her book :-), Heavenly Places is a fun, "girly", encouraging, redemptive story about a woman whose life is transformed while studying the book of Ephesians with a group of women. I thought it was downright serendipitous that I got to read the bulk of it on Easter Day. You can read more about it at Kim's
website, or you can swing by your local bookstore and pick up a copy.

And Lisa writes song lyrics and music. And plays piano and guitar. And sings like an angel. I was thrilled and blessed to have her sing ... way back in the day ... at my wedding. Last week she sent me her new demo cd,
Intimate. And it is. It feels like Lisa's here in my home, sitting at the piano, and singing from her heart. It's just lovely. Lisa's previous cd is also wonderful and can be purchased at Lisa's