February 4, 2016

Kauai: Larsen’s Beach

This is the beach just around the bend from our Moloa’a beach, and I guess there’s been a raging controversy for several years over access.  There’s a steep trail [reportedly dangerous & unmaintained] that accesses the beach that’s owned by the county.  And there’s a safer lateral trail [maybe part of the historic ala loa trail and thus an easement to the property] that runs through private property that has been fenced off by the current company leasing the land to run cattle.  Anywhoo, I think the trail we found and used was the lateral trail and it didn’t seem to be fenced off, so … ???   This beach is sometimes populated with monk seals, turtles, and naturists (aka nudists), though none appeared to be present while we were.  We would have enjoyed seeing a seal or turtle.

On our way to Larsen’s we drove down the dirt road to a home we formerly stayed in, for nostalgia sake…
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After waving at the horse and our former house, we pulled out on the highway. Look, there’s the little piece of Kauai that I’d like to own.
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Larsen’s is accessed by a dirt road.
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And a long dirt path …

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It was another day predicted to have big waves on the north shore.  Clearly I brought the wrong lens to capture big waves.

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35mm just doesn’t do big waves justice.  But, they were amazing.  There’s a reef all around this particular beach, so the waves break pretty far out.
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Boys and sticks.  Some things never change.
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Me and this guy.  We like each other a lot.  That doesn’t change, either.
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Back up the trail …
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Right around that far hill is our Moloa’

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Back out the dirt road.

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And right back to where we began, staring across the highway at my future property.  (Ok, maybe the current owners love it and will never sell.  I can settle for something similar.  Something with pretty green fields, mountains in the midst, and big sky.  Some wide open place where I can watch the weather happen…)

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Anonymous said...

Susan, thank you for the beautiful pictures of Hawaai.
I am curious, are there any parrots on Kauai?...I have
never heard anyone talk of them. With all the ships that
stopped in the 1800's, one would think some parrots would
have gotten a ride there and stayed.
mm,age 68,vancouver,wa.

Skeller said...

Hi MM -
I haven't seen parrots, but there could be some? There are bunches of parakeets (green ones with a ring around their neck). Scads of chickens & roosters. Bazillions of zebra doves (that look like morning doves crossed with parakeets). Lots and lots of birds!

Unknown said...

This made me cry a little. The sweet selfie of you and Big Dude. And the I love you rocks. I am so happy that your life is filled with love! So, so happy.