May 2, 2013

This Teen Moment …

brought to you by Amazon. 

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Teen Dude, thy middle name be “Eclectic.” 


Anonymous said...

Love this! My kids enjoy, as well. I loved The Life of Pi. Megan wants to rent the movie, but I am always afraid to watch film adaptations of books I've loved. They so rarely live up to my expectations.

My son Henry thinks that Tron Legacy was one of the best video games I ever bought for him. Hope your dude enjoys his spoils.

Anita Johnson said...

What a fun box to get, filled with hours of reading pleasure.

The Author said...

It's actually the soundtrack to the movie, Tron: Legacy, which is set in a video game world that's the basis for an actual video game. All the stuff in the picture obscures the fine details, though.

As for Life of Pi, I thought the movie was great (my full review is coming soon), so I decided to get the book. The upside to taking that approach is that you don't realize how bad the movie was until afterwards, but the downside is that you don't get the same thrill out of the book. I'm sure they're both excellent in this case.

Christina said...

Love that pile!! :) Was it his birthday? I hope it was great, if so!
It seems like eclectic is the best way to be. :) You've done a great job, Mom!

Unknown said...

I really like your boys.
I want to hug them.