Here are my 12 things on the 11th of December, 2012 …
1. We dropped Littlest Dude (who always has a book in his hands during the morning car ride) off at school.
2. We went on a date. Yes, in the morning. It was awesomely wonderful. He worked. I read. My book was The Son, the last book of The Giver quartet. I give it highest marks; I may even like it better than The Giver.
3. I took my daily gram for the I Heart Faces December photo challenge. The day’s theme?: “on the shelf”. And that's my new phone. Isn't it purty?
4. Middle Dude worked on his Omnibus history research paper.
5. Big Dude found our one and only lime of the year (don’t know how we missed its whole growing period?!?). Which started me meandering through the yard to see what else I potentially missed. Dog Dude followed.
6. Lunch of champions? Hardly. But it is his preferred daily lunch. Generic grocery vanilla yogurt – no fruit lumps, thankyouverymuch.
7. Little Dude does his homework. Diligently. First thing he gets home. Daily. Love that kid!
8. Middle Dude played Big Dude’s retro/vintage Infocom adventures. The Teen can’t stay away. The Teen can’t restrain himself from taking the helm …
9. Big Dude hung our ginormous new Kauai canvas. Little Dude rejoiced and pretended he was back on the beach…
10. I get “good Mom” points for not rearranging the dudes’ arrangements of Christmas ornaments. Either that or I get lazy points. Btw, yes, that sweet young thang is The Teen way back in the day.
11. Little Dude created.
12. Our overnight guests arrived, bringing our household total to 12 (if you include Dog Dude, and I am).
And thus concludes my “12.12.12” for this December edition of Living in the Moment. For more December living moments, click on thru our blog circle, starting with Anika …