October 22, 2012

Sunset at the Strand, cont.

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So, in the way of a casual confession, I must admit that, generally speaking, I'm not a huge fan of the 50mm focal length. I'm usually shooting super wide or super close, as opposed to shooting "normal view" (which, btw, I did a whole visual tutorial about over at I Heart Faces).  In addition to not generally shooting at a 50mm focal length, I also have a love-hate relationship with my 50mm 1.4 lens.  As in I HATE (yes, all caps) it most of the time (mine has some "technical" issues that Canon has never fixed to my satisfaction), but ... that lens has taken some of my all-time favorite pictures.  When it works, that lens is magical.  So every once in a while I challenge myself to shoot *only* with my 50mm, which is what I did this glorious, glowy night at the beach.  I did the same thing back on this night.  I really should use this lens more often, technical flaws and all ...


Tracy P. said...

Thanks for this, Susan. Those dudes can seriously draw! :-)

I have been taking the same challenge lately, so I especially appreciate getting to see what you see at 50mm. You got a lot of exercise that night!

Andrea said...

Beautiful! Whatever the technical flaws are, I don't see them! :) I just see some gorgeous sunset pictures at the beach.
Love my 50. It lives on my camera. Then again, my only others lenses are my 105 and my 35-55.
I really love your wide angle shots though...LOVE.

Tracey said...

Yep, I have that same relationship with my 50 1.2. It's a bear, but I struggle with it bc it takes such beautiful shots when I nail it! Love this last one of your little dude. Me thinks he is getting bigger.

izzyfotografie said...

I have also rediscovered my 50 1.4 recently... Right after I bought my 85 1.4 :) I just love both of them.

Beautiful beach-shots, love it!

Susan said...

Looks like you conquered!! These pictures are amazing!

It's my all time favorite lens.

Anita Johnson said...

Hmmm. This is making me think. I have a 50mm, but a 1.8, not 4. I don't use it much either, especially on a cropped camera. You, on the other hand, seem to get the DOF right in each shot. That is NOT beginners luck!

Melissa Stover said...

i loved my 50 at 1.4 and i love it even more at 1.2 (i upgraded), however for your sweeping beach shots i can see where you would like a wider lens. different setting, different needs. you don't have to love the 50.

mindy said...

I was just talking to another photographer about her love/hate relationship with the 50mm...and she said she has issues w/ that lens and her Canon, too. I love my 50mm and until I got my 85mm, which I'm currently having a love affair with, I used it exclusively (with my Nikon). You Canon folks need to come over to the dark side. Lovely photos :)

mindy said...

I was just talking to another photographer about her love/hate relationship with the 50mm...and she said she has issues w/ that lens and her Canon, too. I love my 50mm and until I got my 85mm, which I'm currently having a love affair with, I used it exclusively (with my Nikon). You Canon folks need to come over to the dark side. Lovely photos :)

Unknown said...

These pictures are so beautiful. I love your sunshine-y beach : ) Your artist always makes me smile. I like my fifty mostly. Sometimes I shoot an entire session with it. Sometimes I don't ; )

stacey said...

It's the only lens I have so I guess I can't compare it to anything, but I love mine. I'm saving for a 35 1.4 right now, so I'll let you know what I think when I have something to compare it to! :)

Love that last one. Love.