November 12, 2009

Climbing in Yosemite

yosemite climbing

See them in the middle picture?!? I cropped in super close in the last one so you could see. Even with as far away and as high up as they were, we could talk to each other!! Weird, eh?

I did my thing while they did their thing. I don't do heights. :-O!


I'm such a nerd. A nerd with a big camera.


All that exertion (theirs, not mine!) called for some icicle slushy refreshment!



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The Animator's Wife said...

I'm thinkin' I need to figure out how to stow away in the back of that red vehicle before the next Skeller trek. As long as you have room for my little camera. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to STEAL your camera!..Wow..what perfection ...and what Zoom you have my dear..hee hee

How fun..your children are so blessed to have you two for parents.. :)

Charis said...

I am so envious. I still have never been to Yosemite, except through John Muir's writing.