If you've learned anything this year about Kellers and roadtrips, it's that we're not drive-straight-through-ers; we're stop-along-the-way-ers. We stop to see pretty and strange landscapes. We stop for In n' Outs and Starbucks and Taco Bells and McDonalds. We stop for potty stops. We stop to see and visit with friends. We stop to shake the lead out. We stop to let the dog out. We stop. A lot.
And on the morning we were leaving Park City, UT, we stopped before we ever began. At this wonderful park. At this wonderful park with a serendipitous portrait web. See the web I caught my kiddos in? A perfect web for catching lots and lots of portraits. :-)

'Twas a great place to stop and play!

Orange County Child Photographer
Places like that are so fun both for the kids and the photographer mom. Look at all those great shots of them just being them--natural joy!
We never stop. Just to get gas. And that's not a very good way of getting pictures!
Next time I'll tell my husbond I want to stop...
Gorgeous pictures, by the way!
You take more road trips that any other family I 'know'!
Thanks for including us on your adventures!
Precious close up pictures of darling boys! Destiny D.
Well that looks like fun! I have to say, all that stopping would never have worked on a road trip when I was a kid. My dad was all about getting to the destination. When we said we had to stop for the bathroom, he'd say, "Cross your legs and think about something else." Honestly, though, road trips make up some of my favorite childhood memories!
That is an awesome play structure, a nice change from the typical all-plastic ones you see everywhere now a days. I don't think it'd work for kids as small as mine, they'd probably hang themselves, or at least get rope burns. Great pictures!
That just looks like too much fun : ) I love those happy children of yours. Fab : )
Thanks for the lesson...I like the look of overexposed photos...but I tend to adjust in Lightroom....I really need to get out more and have some play time! Thanks!
I love your collage in the beginning. I would love a tutorial or template on that!
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