September 18, 2009

It's that time again.

Time to train for the Turkey Trot. The dudes quickly left me in their jogging dust.
Because I don't run. ;-)



So while they ran, I walked and simultaneously chased down some flare.




Look what Big Dude found. Ewwww. In all our canyon experiences, we've never seen one of these; which leads Big Dude to think that perhaps someone let their "pet" go. Double ewwwww.





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Laguna Niguel Portrait Photographer


Stylist A said...

oh man... now my mind is messing with me and I feel things crawling all over me. I am have lived in this area for 17 years and I have never seen one of those on my many walks. So I would love to say that it is someones pet.. The closest to hear that I have ever seen one was near Camp Pendleton, which my husband says they are all round that area... ewwww... now you have me all freaked out. I don't do big spiders. lol

p.s. love the flare


Heasleye said...

Oh. My. Goodness. That spider is just TOO much. Yikes!!! But I LOVE that photo of your boy right after the spider. Perfection.

Anonymous said...

i'm all itchy now from seeing that huge creature! ewwwwww is right!

Unknown said...

I love these pictures SO much. Except for the spider which made me scream out loud... : )