January 12, 2009

The fun begins TODAY ...

at I Heart Faces. And here is my first submission for their "kid's faces" category:


Portraits can be such a subjective matter. I picked this particular photograph because it encompasses everything *I* like about a good portrait. It's clean and simple. The focus is completely on the face. It's quite natural - his hair is messy, as per usual, and the expression on his face is one that he wears regularly. In other words, this picture, I think, "captures" my son. Plus, dont'cha think he's completely adorable?!?

In fact, don't you find it hard to believe that just this morning this angel said the following: "I have a giant stinky poop that's going to explode like a BOMB!" ???

Boys. Boys with their potty humor combined with violence. You gotta love it. Or not.

Anyway, head on over to I Heart Faces (click on the graphic below) to see all the great portraits and to submit one of your own, if you like.

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Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Oh, I DO love this! I agree completely on what makes a great portrait and I absolutely LOVE this shot. You are so talented!

(love the potty humor, too!)

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

I have to stop laughing to write this... okay, I've stopped....

This is such a beautiful shot. You got it just right! Thanks for joining the fun at I Heart Faces!!!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Yep, he's adorable. Love the simplicity.

Kim said...

He is so cute. Sounds like something my kiddo would say. Gotta love these boys!

Unknown said...

I agree! It's a great photo!!

Irene said...

Oooo. You picked the one I liked :)

I only had one girl but I work with First Grade boys - LOL!

Tracie said...

What a sweet picture!

Teresa said...

why do boys always have the best eye lashes? Great shot!

Karin said...

Wonderful shot of your boy!Love that smirk and those lashes and that he's just stepping into the picture frame. I've got to check out that i love face thingy!
Thanks for stopping by on my Welcome to Alberta post! Blessings!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Is it possible to type and laugh at the same time? I guess it is...HA!!

Oh, ya just gotta love those boys. Your photo is incredible!

heidiannie said...

Love that smile! I love the simplicity of the photo- I am way out of my comfort zone with my little Sony cyber-shot! But I sure enjoy seeing all the great pictures!

Unknown said...

This is a great picture and a hilarious story : ).

Tracy P. said...

Oh, I'm so glad you treated us to a few words to go with that face today. Littlest Dude. Love that boy!!

Teri said...

Love love love the portrait.

And it is true...boys are boys from the West coast to the East coast. :-)

illahee said...

oh, beautiful. excellent!

liz said...

Oh, the grin speaks volumes... Great picture!

Anonymous said...

bahaha!! ~about the poop

I love your photography, it is always so beautiful. He has the most wonderful eyelashes! WOW! :)

Rhea said...

OMG, that photo combined with that quote is HILARIOUS. What a funny kid. And such a BOY thing to say.

My boy told me today that he picked a booger and Annie ate it. I don't know who to be more disappointed with, him or the dog.

Drew said...

So you're saying the potty talk is never going to get better? I have a 4 year old who has some pretty priceless quotes of his home. I figured he'd grow out of it...guess not! :) I love the composition of your photo...and OH MY! Those eyelashes!

lynn said...

Yes, he is adorable. Love his eyelashes!

JenB said...

Boys! Gracious, look at those eyelashes! Some girl is gonna fall for those one day.

Darcy @ m3b said...

Ack. He's perfectly edible.

mo said...

He is darling! Those eyelashes are amazing!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

This pictures does speak and I love those eyelashes!

Kim from Hiraeth said...

Yep. Those eyelashes are amazing. I love the grin. He looks ornery.

Piggy said...

Simply beautiful!

Heasleye said...

The pic is awesome and the quote from him is hilarious!! My son would totally crack up if he heard that...and wish he'd thought of it. Hah!

Anonymous said...

Very adorable. Great shot!

Annette said...

Lovely lashes on the boy. Great shot.

John & Michelle said...

That is one handsom young man you have there!!! Love your blog!

Frizzy said...

What a sweetheart! I love that little face. It tells a story for sure.

j said...

Blown away by how wonderful that photo is! And he is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

boys...i still don't get them

Cori said...

Awesome photo! I love the way you offset it.

IMAGEine Couture Photography said...

This is a gorgeous shot! The lashes are awesome! Oh the joys of children! As a teacher I completely understand what you are saying! Congrats on being a runner up out of so many amazing images!