Fairy tales don't tell children that dragons exist, children already know that. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed. G. K. Chesterton
This book completely enthralled my son.
The Discovery of Dragons by Graeme Base. I highly recommend it. And everything else by Graeme Base.
Dragons must not be merely read about; they must also be fed.
Enjoying the new look!
Has your boys read Eragon yet??? *Ü* I bet they would like that! It’s a great story! Eldest is book 2. What is it with boys and dragons? *Ü* My son loved them… but first it was dinosaurs…. He was the resident expert.
Happy almost WW Wednesday!! So glad you like to play early!
Your blog is so beautiful! Love ALL your pictures!
I love the dragon quote! and nice pictures too :)
wow, what a lovely photo! My boy is very into dragons, I don't think we've read that one yet...we will have to go get it. One of his favorite read alouds was Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher- a nice chapter book.
I think your blog is just lovely!
Happy WW!
My dd has the same stuffed dragon companion, among many others. She is my dragon crazy kid. Has your son seen the book Dragonology? It is very nice too.
Great pics!
Great photos! We don't see many dragons here, only princess, so it's nice to see the other side :)
Love what you did with that first picture. What kind of camera do you use, btw?
Oh I wish I knew how to capture light the way you do in your photos. Any tips? The pics are great! have a great day.
Sheryl at www.hazelnutacademy.blogspot.com
Lisa(wa) - kicking myself ... I could have completed the dragon theme with my eldest with Eldest ;-) He's read both of Paolini's books twice and has pre-purchased the 3rd. Yes, he likes them MUCH!
Jenny & Lisa (truffles) - Thanks for the book recommendations. They sound great!
Hi Sheryl :-)
Sure, I've got tips (I've been thinking of incorporating some of them into posts. Firstly, NO FLASH!! In this Dragon picture, I've got my son right next to a bright Southern exposure window. (which is breaking the "rules" a bit, because Northern exposure light is to be preferred).
A good outdoor tip: try facing your child(ren) AWAY from the sun so that they don't get those pesky harsh shadows on their faces.
Now wait, I have to girls that love dragons too! Beautiful as always.
Jenny in Atl
We love dragons, too.
Lovely pictures :-)
Here is another great dragon book: "Dragon Rider" by Cornelia Funke. Great pictures as always!
My boys love dragons also. I'm surprised yours left the tags on though...my sons usually have to remove all tags from the animals immediately! :o)
What a perfect post!
Books, dragons, an adorable boy and fantastic quotes!!!
Love the feeding of the dragons!
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