February 16, 2008

Rock Wall Shenanigans

Rock Wall Shenanigans


my5wolfcubs said...

More awesome pictures! Can you share what you use to work on them? Something more powerful then Photoshop Elements?? :)
About the Excellent icon, I saved the image (right-click or control-click) to my computer and then upload it as a photo to blogger. And I know you know how to do that!!!

Skeller said...

Hi Lee-
I've been using Lightroom software. It does a lot of similar things as PS Elements & CS2/3 (just without "layers" capability). As a home educator you can get it at a big discount buying thru Academic Superstore.

Thanks for the techie-know-how heads up. I'm off to work on the post. But, oh dear, it requires words ...

swell.life said...

very cool photos!