Joshua Tree rocks, that is. Family came to town and we met up at our favorite playground. Dog Dude came along for the fun, but even though it was pleasantly in the 80s, he doggedly pursued every spot of shade he could find, no matter how slim a sliver. It's hard to be a big black dog in the bright sun. (Middle Dude and I missed the memo about the dress code being black and white ...)
We climbed up high, looked down low ... as per usual.
There's always some clown who ruins the Christmas/NewYear's card ... ;-)
Self-timer set-up ...
Dog Dude is ready for lunch, rest, and shade ...

Ever wonder how many self-timer shots it takes to get "the one"?

Big Dude likes to show that he can multi-task ... he's fancy like that.

Always love the layers of mountains on the horizon on the drive home ...

The time in between when we all get the luxury of hanging out together is way too long. This day of playing together in the desert was truly a treat!