February 7, 2016

1 Second Everyday: January 2016 edition

Drawing lessons for Little Dude, College Kid home for Christmas break, SHERLOCK Victorian style!!, El Nino and big waves, surprising birth of two monarchs in Winter, long awaited return trip to Hawaii, back to real life and schoolwork and backyard bananas and Kauai coffee we brought home with us, and yes, a shopping trip to T-mobile for their BOGO-half-off sale (Big Dude's 2012 phone died its last death, and I'm the happy recipient of the half off phone). This is officially my last Galaxy-ography (S3) version of 1SE. Commencing next month will be LG-ography...


Anita Johnson said...

Sun, warmth, waves and butterflies. We don't have any of that. I have visited spring!

FourCalders said...

Beautiful. I am envying your trip so much. And love your 1SE. They are always awesome.

Tracy P. said...

And the butterfly release party! Good things always come to those who watch the credits! My favorite was the snorkeler though. :-)

Unknown said...

2 butterflies in the winter! Say what? I think these are so much fun. I think you are so much fun. I like your bright sneakers and I love your bright smile.

Love, Becky who needs new sneakers and a new smile!