April 22, 2015

Emerging Monarchs, part 2

Finally continuing the story … this is chrysalis #2, the morning before Easter.

emerging monarchs-6 emerging monarchs-7You’d think I would connect the dots and reasonably expect a short butterfly to come out of such a tiny chrysalis, and yet my neighbor and I scratched our heads and worried that this short stumpy little guy might possibly be deformed.  We need not have worried. Butterfly bodies just take a little while to stretch out.emerging monarchs-8 emerging monarchs-9 emerging monarchs-10 emerging monarchs-11 emerging monarchs-12 emerging monarchs-13


Tracy P. said...

Ha, I just came looking this morning to see if I'd missed this! You must have sensed my impatience. ;-) The wonder of it all!! Truly. You must have held your breath waiting to see those wings unfold. Thanks for sharing!

Anita Johnson said...

I cant even begin to tell you how much I love these pictures. my favorite is the second to the last...the new butterfly with the exquisite chrysalis now empty in the background. Wonderful~

Timi said...

WOW!!! Great photos!!!