Music selection and iMovie jimmy-rigging credit to: Middle Dude.
Music: Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye. Can be purchased here.

Total randomness.
Beauty and bananas in our backyard (and yes, a few raindrops –woot!)
The hot bucket is back in business.
Lap swimming.
This less-than-brilliant bird has insistently tried to enter the house by flying repeatedly into the windows. All the windows. All the time. Needless to say, we will not be washing windows til this birdie gives up.
Cyclamens are happy happy happy.
Shooting happens.
So does art.
It’s that time of year again, when all the big male lizards from miles around come to visit our Lizzie. This happens to be Clint (yes, they’re named: Clint & ‘Lizabeth in honor of Swamp People) telling outside male to scram…
Last bits of March miscellany tomorrow …