Where: the boonies of ID or MT (or both) …
Why: to fish (when in Rome …)
Who: my dudes and some of my favorite in-laws …
When: the last week of summer
‘Twas a perfectly gorgeous day. Not hot, not cold. The dirt road in (from Idaho) was long. The dirt road out (in Montana) was a little shorter. The stream/river/creek was crisp, shallow, and quickly flowing. The lunch was yummy. The bees/bugs were numerous. The fish … were not. The company was very, VERY good.
Feel free to click on thru our final Living in the Moment loop. Up next is Robyn sharing some lovely last bits of summer ...
Number of fish caught by Big Dude's Dad: 2 tiny throw-back minnows
Number of fish caught by the rest of the Kellers: None Fish.