And with all the fantastic inventions, discoveries, and medical advancements of the 20th & 21st centuries, this is what the doc prescribed:
For me.
Earplugs. I’m thinking he (the doc) must think I have a better sense of humor about this than I do. Or else he never would have sent home the Pretty Pink Pony Pool Princess plugs. Maybe I’d find this more amusing if I wasn’t so cranky due to sleep deprivation.
[confession: I'm not really that cranky. I do ok with little amounts of sleep. And I'd rather not sleep with Big Dude next to me than sleep well while he's in some other room. But goshdarnit, can't someone somewhere come up with some nifty invention to curb snoring. Such an inventor could make a lotta money.]
My husband snores also. Not all night long, though. It comes in spurts and so there is no rhyme or rhythm to it. And I started sleeping with earplugs a decade ago and sleep beautifully! Try 'em; you might like them.
Oh man, there needs to be a better solution!!! Ken snores when he's on his back, but I can usually roll him over to get him to stop. 147 times a night. I don't look forward to the days when that won't work.
Not fun. Not fun at all. I am blessed to have a "every now and then" snorer and all I have to do is tell him to roll over. But for those nights when I do wake up bc of his snoring...ugh. Feel your pain.
Maybe the pretty pink pool pony plugs have magic powers?
There is something called 'snore cramp' (Schnarchspange in German). My brother snores so loud, their neighbors can hear him.... Like REALLY loud! He found this thing, it looks scary, but the doctor showed him how to put it in his mouth, and now he sleeps with that since approx 2 years. He never snored again.
Google it! Im surr there must be a vendor of these in the US.
Rebekah - I'll try 'em, just cause you said to :-)
Karin - I'll look for it. The doc did mention something about a mouth guard thingy ...
Did the doctor suggest a sleep study at a sleep clinic?
My dad was an EPIC snorer and it turns out this was a symptom of his sleep apnoea - which he had no clue about until he went to the clinic for a night for monitoring. He has his mask now and sleeps the best he has in years. Mum does too now.
Other than that he tried nose bridge things (you get them from the chemist) that didn't help him - but a lot of people swear by them, a neti pot to clear out the sinuses (again, a solution for some people but not him) and a few other things that don't come to mind (sorry, pregnant and seem to have lost my brain somewhere).
Did the doctor suggest a sleep study at a sleep clinic?
My dad was an EPIC snorer and it turns out this was a symptom of his sleep apnoea - which he had no clue about until he went to the clinic for a night for monitoring. He has his mask now and sleeps the best he has in years. Mum does too now.
Other than that he tried nose bridge things (you get them from the chemist) that didn't help him - but a lot of people swear by them, a neti pot to clear out the sinuses (again, a solution for some people but not him) and a few other things that don't come to mind (sorry, pregnant and seem to have lost my brain somewhere).
That dr. is funny.
: )
I am sorry about your snorer. Mine snores too. He says I do also, but that is hard to believe since I have never once heard it for myself ; )
Thing is - those aren;t for your ears, but TO SHOVE DOWN THE DR.'s THROAT
I can hear the pun, though. Haha! And I think it really does make sense, since you’re a light sleeper. Anyway, what about your husband? I’m curious as to what kind of solution the doctor recommended for him. Any updates?
Cynthia Bowers @ Bay Area TMJ & Sleep Center
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