Two Teens in the house. And the newest Teen started his day with a hot cup of hot chocolate coffee. And continued his day with a hike in our canyon.
This very cute little froggie did NOT come home with us. We already have enough critters at Chez Keller.
(catching grasshoppers; free food for the toad we do have living at home. life with boys.)
And the gourds also came home with us. Free table décor.
I love the picture of your new teen on the plank across the creek. You guys sure make handsome children.
I love all of these photos, but the three gourds on your Thanksgiving table is stunning to me. So simple. So beautiful.
And my favorite is the teeny tiny frog in the middle of the ripples. Holy buckets, how in the world did you get that one so fast and perfect???
Middle Dude even LOOKS older today. Happy birthday to him!!
I love these photos. Love the tiny frogs and I love that big tree. He looks like an Ent (sp) from the Lord of the Rings.
Happy Birthday to your Dude!
Such beautiful pictures!! Love Dad and Dude on the bank. :)
Yes, Happy Birthday to Middle glad to see you enjoying these days together, the teen years go way too fast!
That's a very cool tree he's standing next to! What a great way to spend a birthday!
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