October 8, 2012

The Desert, Part II

(Part I here).  Alternatively, this post could be called, “What Mommy-Photogs Do in the Desert” … which could be summed up in these words:  “We ask Dad Dude to drive us home by the scenic/smelly route (which, in this case, would be the freaky-deaky road to the Salton Sea)”.

scenic routeIMG_5683IMG_5686IMG_5687IMG_5691IMG_5692IMG_5696IMG_5698IMG_5702scenic route 2IMG_5712IMG_5714IMG_5716The yacht club has changed significantly since the last time we came.  No more urban decay.  For the moment.IMG_5717IMG_5723-3IMG_5725And the old playground equipment is gone.  And the abandoned motel, too.  (sniff sniff)IMG_5741But the shell of the marina remains and the sea still smells the same.  Some things don’t change …IMG_5735


Tracey said...

The scenery looks so unreal. Those mountains look like something from a Road Runner cartoon! And that orchard of palm trees? What an amazing place to bring your camera!

Tracy P. said...

Oooh, that tree shadow shot second from the bottom made me smile! I love seeing the world though your eyes, Susan. It's so delightful to enjoy a landscape completely different from my own, even as much as I enjoy my own. What a creative God!