This is quite possibly my longest post ever. And here's why: this photography session epitomizes everything I *love* about photography. Pictures can freeze time. Pictures can tell stories. Pictures can show you what your life looks like. Pictures can help you remember precious moments forever. Pictures can memorialize stuff & details that might not be heart-warming at the moment,
but will be 20 years down the road. Let me explain ...
But first, let me introduce the H Family. They trusted me to do my "lifestyle" thing. When we discussed the all-important "what-to-wear" question, I answered that I would love for them to wear what they loved. This, of course, concerned Mom H, because Son was going to want to wear his beloved (and bedraggled & stained) soccer jersey - the same jersey he likes to wear to bed and wake up to wear the next day. Remember those details that aren't precious now but will be in a couple decades? Soccer Son wore his jersey ;-). And his sneakers, not sandals. Never sandals. Because he must always be ready to kick a soccer ball wherever he may find himself.
The "location-to-shoot" question was a no-brainer. The H Family loves the beach. So off to the beach we went. But not with picnic food or family quilts or fill-in-the-blank-stylized-options. Because the H Family doesn't
*eat* at the beach; they
*play* at the beach. They
*read* at the beach. (And might I mention, Darling Daughter has a pretty sophisticated literary palate: Jane Eyre, Mere Christianity, Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot - wowzers)! They
*hang out and talk* at the beach and
*surf & boogie-board* at the beach. Those are the real-life, authentic details we set out to capture.
And thus we did. Capture, that is. Behold: a lovely family. On a glowy, gorgeous evening. Going to the beach. Hauling gear down the trail. Setting up camp. Playing, laughing, reading, talking, surfing, snuggling. Breaking down camp. Hiking back up. Garage - to beach - back to garage: here's the story in pictures ...

H Family - I adore you guys! Thank you for trusting me to do my thing. Thank you for not being afraid to be yourselves. Yours is a Beautiful Life, indeed.