April 13, 2010

Littlest Dude lost his first tooth!


All our dudes have this habit of growing their adult teeth behind their baby teeth. Our Ortho thanks us. Our future pocketbook sheds a tear or two...

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Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. He is growing up. We must stop this at once... : ) Adorable.

Glad you can put a smile on the orthodontists face : ) He needs all the smiles he can get... : )

Stylist A said...

Oh the joys of loosing teeth. Actually not gonna lie, I cringed a little thinking about that loose tooth coming out. However it is a moment to remember. Your baby is growing up. Just another step closer to adulthood. Thanks for sharing :)

Leslie said...

oh gosh already.... really.
I bet he is pretty giddy..

and yes I cringe for your pocketbook too...

Holly said...

ah well, it's only money....lots of it but only money

The Animator's Wife said...

AW! Too cute.

My five year old just did this yesterday too! They would have matching grins. :) Makes me sad though... seems like that same little tooth was just painfully arriving. ah sigh.