Nope. Methinks we're a nation divided. But it's a nice idea...

Wind energy, just outside Palm Springs.

And some of the long desert roads are lined with miles of telephone poles.

If you want to be a dork like me, here are a couple tips: for any pictures taken out side windows, keep your shutter speed high (unless you want to show movement blur). If your travels mates don't mind (hehe - I get a couple seconds before one of the dudes starts protesting 'bout windyness!), roll your window down. For any pictures thru the front window, no need to worry about having a high shutter speed. Movement blur is not an issue (generally) when shooting straight ahead. And feel free to include that nice blue sunshade at the top of the window - it adds a nice sky gradient. :-)
NICE window shots! I love how many road trips you guys get to go on!
i have many of the same photos :) im just fascinated with the desert life right now, never thought i would say that. You got some great shots!!!!
Becky - I bet you do! You're lucky to get to live in the middle of it all for a season of time!! Y'know, I had grand plans to stop at the "windmills" on the way home from your shoot and take a long exposure (hopefully with star trails and spinning turbines) picture, but by the time we bbq'd burgers in JT and hit the road, we were all too tired to stop and make the effort :-} Next time!
Tearese - we ARE lucky!!! I love our roadtrips :-)
Love it! My peeps don't like it so much when I roll my window down in the winter, but otherwise they are amazingly tolerant!
When I saw your post title I immediately thought of the rabbits I see out the window in my garden. They are so lucky I don't have a bb gun. I would learn how to use it.
You have the bestest tips : )
Awesome windmill photos.
Love your "out the window" shots! They are absolutely amazing!
I am always taking pictures out of the window of my vehicle..and always wishing it would not blur...haha Thanks for the tips...as always..love your pictures..!!!!!
Beautiful pictures, I love where you live! I have to fight with my two dogs for window space, because I too love to take photos out the window. It's a good thing they have short legs!
I had to giggle reading this. Great captures. :)
Love the dipping roads. Those are great picture from your trip. I do that too - shoot from the front window...as long as my front window is pretty clean, it works out ok.
i was on a roadtrip recently shooting pics through the front window. kept focusing on the dead bugs and my barefoot prints though! ha ha!
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