March 23, 2009

Still Playing with Totally Rad Recipes

Here's another before and after example: (I have more TRA2 recipe before and afters posted here.)

ISO 100, 85mm f/2, 1/1250 sec, Canon Rebel xt

hailey servin-clairepool
Claire-ify 27%, Pool Party 75%, highlight and shadow separator (so very awesome to bring back in her darling freckles and details in her curly hair), very mild select-o-pop, and Warm it Up Kris 20%.

This image is also my kids entry this week for I Heart Faces - No Flash! There is probably no other single thing that I've done that has forced me to "see the light" (photographically speaking, of course) than turning OFF my flash. It's a course of action that I highly recommend for anyone wanting to take their photography experience to the next level.

As a contributing photographer at I Heart Faces, I'm not eligible to win the contests, but I surely enjoy playing along for the fun of it. Click the link below to go see other beautiful faces...

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Julie Rivera said...

Susan, I popped onto your blog yesterday after we returned from our vacation and prowled about a bit, only to see you have fallen head over heels in love with TRA2 actions. :) And I love what you say about looking back on these images in several months and wondering about your processing, but seriously, I think they are wonderful! Not overdone, just subtly improved. Always a treat to see your work!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Is she not just the cutest thing! Love what you did with her picture!
I'm attempting to shoot more and more with no flash.

Heidi said...

Sigh. How do you *do* that? I need you to come over and give me a personal TRA tutorial. :)

Melinda said...

Oh my word - the before and after are like night and day! That is amazing...and now I am off to cry because I don't have photoshop : )

Anonymous said...

Pool Party is probably in my top 3 favorites out of the TRA set--great use of it here!

fxmixer said...

Super fun!

Shae said...

this is great! i love the edited version

Rhonda said...

Love this recipe.
Pool Party is one of my favorite TRAs. The other is Boutwell's Magic Glasses (which is from the original set of actions, but if you click on the Try Em link, that is one of the actions I got in the free download.)

Melissa said...

Love Totally Rad. Your shot is great, and I love the photo editing you did! Great entry!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...


Thank you for sharing your recipe! I never thought I would say that in conjunction with photography. lol

Hmmmm Me thinks I like the TRA 2 actions....

Anonymous said...

Great recipe! I just bought the second set of TRA last weekend - I'm loving it!

She's precious! LOVE the freckles!

Tracy P. said...

Gorgeous! She is beautiful anyway--but I love the detail you picked up in her hair.

I just told a friend to try turning off her flash. She was amazed! And I was just thinking of the time last fall that I was grumbling about being forced back inside with my camera and you suggested setting my white balance to incandescent. That has made such a big difference! You're one of my heroes!

Lizzie said...

look at those cute freckles! great job :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love what you did with this! Her eyes just sparkle and dance :)

Anonymous said...

The freckles are great and what a precious little girl. Nice job.

B Dad

Carebear said...

Everything you touch with a camera is golden, I swear! That photo is so precious, and the actions you processed with are fantastic. Just right for the photo. The eyes and the freckles are so sweet it hurts to look!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I LOVE this picture and what you did with it! FANTASTIC!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Thanks to a certain Susan Keller, I am now the proud owner of all of the TRA actions. {gulp!}

I am so in love with them too! Their B&W conversions are some of the best I've ever used.

I can't wait to try out your recipe on some of my photos ~ beautiful!

co-founder of iHeartFaces

Kelly Sauer said...

This is an incredible shot and the processing! WOW!

Anonymous said...

Did I mention I want to be Susan Keller when I become a grown up photographer? :) Seriously, I love your editing. The photo still looks like a photo, just a better version of itself. As always, great job. Can't wait to see your fix-it Friday. (yours is always my favorite!:)

Ginger said...

I really like it, great job!!! I am still learning about actions and such! I am also learning still how to use my xsi...

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

This is so cool!!

Anonymous said...

Just used this recipe today, slightly altered, and I LOVE the results--thanks again for posting this!

Lisa Webb said...

Is it just me or is Clarify one of the best actions, i love it! Thanks for sharing your recipes.