Last year about this time, one of my first posts included a photo of a female praying mantis we found in our backyard who laid her egg sack while in our possession. After she died (mantises only live about 6 months or so, dying soon after laying their eggs), we placed her egg sack in a palm tree in our backyard. We're guessing that this one, also found in our backyard, might be one of the babies.

I will have to show Frog Catcher these!
My boys loved these pictures. I must admit, when I saw the name of this post in my blog reader, I read it first before I clicked on your website, just to make sure you didn't have a picture of roaches. If you ever do, you've gotta give me a heads up!!! :)
Oh my gosh what cool pictures!!!!!! I love praying mantises (well my mom (they call her the bug lady sometimes) like them better then me but....yeah)
Congrats on your nomination in the HSBA! You are soooo worthy.
Red was a great matte choice for those photos. Awesome.
Awesome pictures!
I have this friend that does craft shows...and when she was at one last week, she found a vendor selling brass sculputures of praying mantises. And she bought one - that has a male head in her hands. And she is giving it to her husband for Christmas :-)
what a brave little man holding your crawly friend! my son is happy to watch them from the side lines... unless it's a lizard or frog, then he is SO in! :) happy monday.
for you know what.
Very cool photos! Did you tell the little guy that you knew his mommy?!
Incredible pix! They look wonderful.
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